I have always been into fitness and LOVE movement – slightly hyperactive!
I pretty much love any form of movement and will give anything a go. Over the years that has included, running, mountain biking, spin, bootcamps, crossfit, boxing, yoga, netball, triathlon, trail running, tennis, barre, weights, HIIT, adventure races - you name it, I love it. (The only thing that doesn’t ring my bells so much is golf - for some reason that little white ball is not very co-operative for me....)
I think movement is such an important part of a healthy life, not only from a physical perspective but from an emotional perspective as well. For me movement and well being go hand and hand.
My movement filled lifestyle changed in an instant when I was diagnosed with a prolapse. I have
always been very involved with fitness but I had no idea what prolapse was, let alone that it could happen to me. I went from being a very physically active woman to one who couldn't even carry the washing basket or do the grocery shopping on my own, let alone run or jump. I was told this is it - this is your new inactive reality at the ripe old age of 34.....
Being the determined (aka stubborn) woman that I am there was no way I was going to accept that and spend the rest if my life sitting on the couch feeling sorry for myself!
I spent months working with many local and international specialists to better my situation and get back to a place where movement felt fun again. I can happily say that 2 years on, yes my prolapse is still there, but it no longer rules my life! I can now move and train as I please. Admittedly I choose to do things a little differently after all that I have learnt, but it is no longer the limiting factor.
During my recovery (yes I call it recovery as you can recover from a prolapse!) I spent (and still do spend) countless hours learning and studying how the woman's anatomy works and how best to move with body awareness and confidence. Admittedly, this all started out for selfish reasons trying to heal myself. The deeper I got into it the more I realised that I was not the only woman that had no idea about all this stuff and that a lot of woman are living with conditions, symptoms and limitations they don’t need to!
I have always loved fitness but soon discovered that I actually love the in’s and out’s of how our bodies work. I immersed myself in as many courses as I could, becoming a REPs registered trainer and pre and post natal trainer along the way. On top of my own recovery journey (which to be honest was by far the most powerful learning tool) I also have the following formal qualifications;
Auckland University of Technology - Certificate of Proficiency in Fitness Foundations
Auckland University of Technology - Certificate of Proficiency in Fitness Instructing
Auckland University of Technology - Certificate of Proficiency in Personal Training
New Zealand Red Cross - Comprehensive First Aid
Continence NZ - Pelvic Floor Focus Workshop for Fitness Professionals
Burrell Education - Modern Post Natal Assessment & Exercise Prescription
Burrell Education - Modern Pregnancy Exercise Prescription - Integrated Core & Functional Training
The Physio Detective - The Female Athlete
Julie Wiebe PT - Piston Science
Next Level Movement Mentorship
Next Level Mentorship Above and Beyond
Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification (Sarah Duvall)
Power Plate Certified Trainer
Burrell Education - Pelvic Flow and Freedom
Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified - Nutrition Coach
Ph360 Health Coach
Going 4 D mentorship (Angela Lee Jenkins)
Female Health & Performance Coach (Nardia Norman)
Menopause for Athletes (Dr Stacy Sims)
Burrell Education - 3rd Age Woman Certification
Training Women Academy - Program Design Mentorship
Hormone Health Course - Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Cancer Exercise Specialist - Cancer Exercise Training Institute
What began as one of the worst experiences of my life has turned into one of the best I could ask for! I now have an immense passion to share what I have learned and help as many woman as possible move in a way that empowers them!
Movement is such a vital part of our well being. It is my absolute passion to help people find the freedom in their bodies to move in what ever way makes them feel good!
In health and happiness.